Fetal Therapy Think Tank

A Fetal Health Foundation Program

Fetal Therapy Think Tank

A Fetal Health Foundation Program

Creating the future for prenatal treatments of fetal syndromes


Think Tank Sessions 2016 to Present

Since 2016, the Fetal Therapy Think Tank has grown to represent nearly 200 professionals, ranging from both academic and private clinicians to leaders representing a broad range of industries and philanthropy, and has hosted 8 workshops and meetings. Think Tank...

Fetal Therapy Think Tank Joins Nonprofit Fetal Health Foundation

The Fetal Health Foundation is excited to announce its unification with the Fetal Therapy Think Tank. The Fetal Therapy Think Tank is a consortium of diverse stakeholders in the field of fetal medicine, ranging from both academic and private clinicians to leaders...

Our Work

Think Tank Sessions 2016 to Present

Think Tank Sessions 2016 to Present

Since 2016, the Fetal Therapy Think Tank has grown to represent nearly 200 professionals, ranging from both academic and private clinicians to leaders representing a broad range of industries and philanthropy, and has hosted 8 workshops and meetings. Think Tank...

Fetal Therapy Think Tank Focus

Innovation in fetal care facility design guidelines

Encouraging research in fetal therapies

Fetal therapy professional education

Improving clinical care delivery

Advocacy and certification

Hope for Young Families

4,000 expectant families

learn that their baby has a fetal syndrome each day. We want to offer hope and ever more innovative therapeutic options to young families in this scary, lonely moment.

Fetal syndromes include:

• Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction
• Twin-to-Twin-Transfusion Syndrome
• Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Our Publication

Connexions, a magazine for the fetal health community, is published annually by the Fetal Health Foundation.

Get Involved

We have individual and corporate memberships, sponsorships, and research opportunities available.

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